They are each very individual. One blond. One brunette. One looks exactly like my husband, the other like me. And, dare I say, one has great fashion sense and one, well, she has a unique fashion sense. They have both been begging me to add a "Kids Fashion" page on my blog. They have me take pictures of them in their own creations. So, I decided that a post about kids and fashion would be fun. This isn't about how to dress kids, this is about how kids dress themselves and how fun it can be to let your kids put together their own outfits.
There have been times in the past when I have wanted to be able to still "dress" them. I have friends whose girls still let them pick out their clothes. They look so cute and put together. Here is the only time I get to pick their clothes: School Uniforms!
There is no picking out their clothes in this house! Isabel takes suggestions, but Caroline is another story. If I suggest it, she definitely won't wear it! What is amazing to me is seeing their personalities come through in their clothing. I rarely ask them to change (except for Mass). I love to see what they perceive as "fashion" and how they put outfits together!
Shall we start with Isabel?? She is my happy-g0-lucky, easy-going kid. To say that is reflected in her wardrobe is an understatement. Whatever is clean and fits, she wears. She also uses my own fashion tips against me. Mix prints? (she said it was a Predator(leopard top) and Prey (zebra skirt) outfit)
Add a skinny belt to nearly anything?
The more color the better?
And one of the few "suggested" outfits!
Then there is my sweet Caroline. She is her mother's daughter, in so many ways. A tad controlling, hard-headed and has a love for fashion. She does a pretty good job at putting her outfits together. I love how she pays attention to what I say (even if she won't admit it!) and she applies it to herself.
Just like adult fashion, kid fashion is about what makes you feel good about yourself. I tell my girls that all the time when they ask "is this outfit cute?" Even if I wouldn't put together the outfits like they do, I love their individuality and their sense of what they like. I guess those planned outfits are not in our future. But, that's o.k. We are a fashionista household, whether I like it or not!