This all started with scarves. Every time I see a different style of scarf, I love trying to figure out how to make it and add it to my store! I never thought I was a creative person, but I love the creative part of sewing. There are so many great scarf styles and different ways to wear them. Here are a few from a recent photo shoot. Please note that my fav wardrobe choice is my boyfriend jeans and a tank top. But look how a simple scarf can spice up any outfit!!
Square scarf (36"x36")
Ruffle rectangle scarf, untied (approx. 15"x 65")
Ruffle rectangle scarf, simple tie
Rectangle scarf, one loop around
Single loop infinity (13"x36")
Double loop infinity, color blocked (13"x72")
Small rectangle scarf (approx. 5"x 60"), used as headband
Purse scarf (5" x 30")
While on a girls' night out, a friend mentioned that she was going to buy some headbands online for a ridiculous amount of money. She showed me the headbands and I knew I could make them for a lot less than she was going to pay. But, it also showed me that people love these headbands and they would definitely be a big seller! By the way, after I had made up a bunch, she bought 10! Yep, 10!! They are great for kids, too. I plan on making a bunch in my kids' school uniform colors! All of the thick headbands are reversible, too! So, you basically get 2-for-1! Not bad.
Last but not least, our babysitter was over and mentioned that she needed "sport" headbands. They are non-slip and super cute. So, instead of having my sweet babysitter pay for them elsewhere, I made them for her! The girls love them, especially Caroline, who wears glasses and can't wear traditional headbands anymore! They aren't just for the kiddos, either! I wore one to work out yesterday and I was honestly surprised at how well it stayed in place. These are perfect for an active lifestyle with just a bit of fashion added in!
Pink Zebra, 7/8" Ribbon, with velvet inside
Blue and brown, 7/8", with velvet inside
So, the lesson from this blog, don't be afraid of being creative. If you see something you like, go for it! Or, if you have ideas for me, I'd love to hear them. I will give anything a try!